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Table Of Contents Here is a page for the Table of Contents of the GlobalVillages Wiki One day this might become a book with contributions by FranzNahrada, JeffBuderer and others about "global villages". Thank you for helping this come to life!
- What are GlobalVillages
The Benefits -why work on the idea of Global Villages
The KeyIdeas and work that we build on
!!- [GlobalVillages/GrowingGlobalVillages The starting points for the evolution of Global Villages]!!- [GlobalVillages/Visual Visual] Stories, Concepts, Expressions and Proposals
ResourcesAndIdeas that can be found on the net which support the GlobalVillage idea
A pattern language for Global Villages
A Directory of the Global Villages around the world
Some Networks - The people and organisations which are doing things important for Global Villages
The NeededThings , Agenda, Goals
Other Things To ConsiderARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONSArticles/Index How do I JoinAGlobalVillage?Glossary
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All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: July 1, 2008 |