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What Is ATheme See also: PatternLanguage, WhatIsAPattern
A theme for our purposes here is a pre-pattern, which is to say, it is a notion that we feel is relevant to global villages, but we have yet to hypothesize its dynamics. We write down the theme so that we might consider any patterns that it manifests. Themes may be inspired ideas or also noteworthy phenomenon, which relates to a village, or even a cluster or multitude of villages. Theme gives a village the opportunity to "show its strengths" and be present, be relevant, bundle energies.
Here are some themes for us to think about: CraftVillages supported by OnlineCraftsShops GreenLearningVillages forstering Ecotourism CreativeVillages supporting CreativeDevelopment Pour sécuriser les biens, l' installation de coffre fort est préconisée
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: January 5, 2014 |