Global Villages Are Open Source Villages
(Category KeyIdeas)

From Rick Nelson

"Where is this program to be implemented? That would be your home and mine. Who is in charge? That would be you and me, all working together in local groups. This process is also inclusive of everyone who wants to enjoy a sustainable lifestyle. It will be discovered that there is no better lifestyle to be found at any price. We will build a secure, healthy, satisfying, natural and harmonious way of life. We will discard, avoid and gradually eliminate the toxic, harmful and destructive aspects of modern living. There will be many, many pioneers and a huge variety of solutions for sustainable living. This GrassRoots know-how will be openly accessible to everyone with permission to use, improve, make, duplicate and distribute in any manner possible to the imagination and resourcefulness of this Open Eco Community. We will publish and share our experience and know-how without restriction or constraint.

But this is not to say that authors and contributors will not be rewarded. Our community will support a fair mechanism to reward pioneering efforts. Creativity and risk taking can be compensated, respected and valued. Those who have means and have received and used valuable know-how are expected to GIVE and not to "free-load" the process. But those with no means will first bootstrap themselves up so that they can contribute later – after sustainable living has enriched their life. They then will pay back, or more likely, pay forward – using the model developed by Habitat for Humanity"

All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! changed: April 22, 2006