Giovanni Abrami /
Storia Dell Universo

Full title:

“STORIA DELL’UNIVERSO DALLE ORIGINI. Dalla comparsa del cosmo alla fine dell’era antica.”

A Critical Judgement

  • “A History of the Universe from its Origins” is a publication which bears the fruits of a long period of research. The Author endorsed by the editorial house BookSprint Edizioni, is Johannes Peter Abram (Giovanni Abrami) a resourceful man of vast cultural experience, which one can see in the form and content of this book.
  • With a linguistic style which does not always draw upon common expression, a perusal of this book shall not prove to be particularly hard nor for those readers who are not accustomed to its themes.
  • His wisdom in the composition and harmonious rendering of the subject matter shows us that Johannes Peter Abram knows how to weave a text, which not only succeeds in arousing and informing, but also delighting his readers. The erudition of the Author is manifested for all within his thorough exposition of the main theme: the history of the Universe in all its aspects. And, in this, the Author addresses its diverse aspects by contextualizing and framing it within the cosmological, biological, and ultimately anthropological outlines. He traces our world history from the Big Bang up to the very beginning of the monotheistic religions. This is a topic as broad as it is complex.
  • Cultured, clean, appropriate phrases, and a concise syntax, all bond together fusing the quality of this book, which owes its beauty to the originality of many of its form and content as realized by its Author. In this way one can recognize the scholastic stamp of Johannes Peter Abram, who for many years has retained the position of professor at various Italian and foreign universities. Subject matters of his lectures included: Ecology, Environmental Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Yet, a passion for life has also shaped his scope of widespread interests, which gave him the drive to graduate and then to specialize in Biology. At the present time, our Author conducts in-depth research in academic fields such as History, Geography, and Philosophy.

Prof. Giovanni Abrami

The Author lectures at Italian and foreign universities. He has been involved in the implementation of subjects such as Geography and Environmental Planning within their faculties. Furthermore, the author has conducted research in various fields of inquiry such as History, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Ecology. Currently, he lives and works in Padua.

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