Global Villages Info Wiki
Global Village Index
See also: GlobalVillageSeedIndex, GlobalVillages/Principles, GlobalVillages, Locations, GlobalVillageIndex2007

Table of contents of this page
Proposal to Design a GlobalVillageIndex for Communities   

Proposal to Design a GlobalVillageIndex for Communities    

FranzNahrada: Another idea was brought to us by Bernhard Haas from Lower Austria Village Regeneration. The idea is to create a measurement of quality in conjunction to Global Villages Design Principles that could be a tool in the formal relation between administration and communities. The problematique is always that those who have achieved most are rewarded most. see



GlobalVillages/KirchbachFour story community and business center owned and run by a team of local enthusiasts. Video bridge facility.

All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! changed: November 6, 2010