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Vision Translation See also: Vision
This is the starting page for the translation project of "Die Vision der Globalen Doerfer" from German to English other languages
You can get chunks from the German text here: VisionTranslationGer Please put your translated chunks ordered by chunk number and still\ containing the [chunkno] label here VisionTranslationEng
The author and certain editors might like to revise the source text for various chunks\ to transform it from a presentation held at St. Arbogast to an introductory chapter for a\ book about Global Villages. In this case the author or the editor can block a chunk\ from translation for a certain time by indicating this in the chunk list and giving an\ ETA date for the revised source text. When finished, this article will be Public Domain - we ask to have a look at the recommendations of EthicalPublicDomain If you're interested in participating please allocate yourself a chunk, and add a date\ when you allocated this chunk, as well as an "estimated time of arrival" (ETA) of the translated chunk. The dictionary of choice is at: The author is also commited to review and alter the complete translation according to the best expression of the meaning of the text. When you edit the page you'll notice some ugly formatting using HTML spacers.\ Please just copy the HTML template from chunk one and change it accordingly.\ If you happen to know how to design the chunk list as a table please feel free to change the layout.
Other translationsProfiles/StefanMatteikat started VisionTranslationHUNGARIAN eventually all goes here: English Translation action table
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: January 8, 2012 |