Village Layout
See also: PatternLanguage, DesignAVillage

What is the relationship between the layout and spirit of a village?

Clustering of houses

  • share religious and social events without disturbing others
Spacing houses
  • keep fire from spreading
Linear village
  • along the bank of a lake or a river
  • long vertical strips of farmland
  • sometimes the strips are rotated by lot, but this makes farming less efficient
Nature of intersections
  • right angles may be problematic for certain kinds of vehicles
  • private life
Keeping schools away from traffic

Semi-private spaces which allow the overhearing of conversations

Main temple at the entrance of the village. Other temples at the far end of the village.

Shops and council buildings near the village center.

Water points for cattle at the periphery of the village. Separate water points for drinking and for washing (so that men do not watch the women washing).

Storage space for agricultural implements and for tying the cattle.

Appropriate spaces for segregated living (as during mentrual cycles, but in our day what might be reasons for temporary segregation?)

Communal spaces for crafts

Public baths near the lake

Outbuildings of a farm arranged to form a yard.

It is helpful to use scale models


village layout considerations for relocated villages in the area of Maharashtra, India after an earthquake

Traditional Russian Village Structure and compare with All Russia Is Burning! A Cultural History of Fire and Arson in Late Imperial Russia by Cathy A. Frierson

Village Layouts: Essays describing the historical development of a selection of villages in the Yorkshire Dales.

Developers plan new 200 acre village

Map of 4 kinds of village

Rural settlement in Pakistan Three types: spiderweb form, contours of hill slopes, regular rectangular pattern.

Islamic Influence on Urban Form in Sumatra in the Seventeenth to...

Village Survey in Nottinghamshire

Aerial views of village layouts

Dieveniškių kaimai Villages in this part of Lithuania are laid out along streets.

In Lithuanian

Žemaitijos kaimai ir sodybos The history of the village layouts and architecture in Samogitia.

Renesanso architektūra

Cebatoriai The village of Valkininkai is archaic and has a radial shape that is similar to the old town of Vilnius.

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