Old Blog

I am going to change the structure so it is clear that we all can have our personal blogs here in the virtual village: simple blogs: go to Blogs/Welcome and start your own Mini-Blog in this Wiki!

This blog will be continued here: FranzNahrada/Blog


Sitting with Andrius in an Internet Cafe in Vilnius, heading back to Austria after interesting Lithuanian days. more soon


2 links that cought my eye


For those Globalvillagers who speak German this might be most interesting news. In fact, the official society is giving up its capacity to maintain Planet Earth. Even in Germany, one of the worlds wealthiest countries, infrastructures for rural areas cannot be run anymore. This means either a fall back into barbarism or a necessity for civil society and experimental solutions to take over. The age of GlobalVillages must really be starting soon.

  • taz-serie "FREIR�UME", 3.Mai 2005: "Weite Teile deutscher Bundesl�nder werden in den n�chsten 25 Jahren ver�den: Die Abwanderung der Bev�lkerung in Ballungsgebiete ist nicht aufzuhalten. Dies bedeutet in den betroffenen Gebieten einen dramatischen Abbau der Infrastruktur. Der Staat zieht sich graduell aus manchen Landstrichen zur�ck.
  • Ein solcher Schrumpfungsprozess ist im "Modell Deutschland" nicht vorgesehen. Diese Entwicklung bietet auch Chancen: In den d�nn besiedelten Gebieten wachsen zivilgesellschaftliche Modelle, entstehen Freir�ume f�r experimentelle Politik. In einer taz-Serie jeweils dienstags besch�ftigen wir uns mit dieser Problematik. Wir arbeiten dabei zusammen mit dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin f�r Sozialforschung (WZB) und dem Nexus-Institut f�r Ressourcen-management und Organisationsentwicklung in Berlin."
we should talk to nexus when we meet in Berlin next month:

Thanks to Thomas Diener for relaying this


This is more about Wikis than Globalvillages, but I find it remarkeable

This is something that I find hard to digest:


Sandi Brockway from Macrocosm USA gave me this interesting link:

->"Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Whatever happened to my village?’? Why do we live in placeless and alienating grid cities? Many Americans have been looking back in time in order to understand how it is that all the work of our ancestors has not already led to ‘sustainability’. Part of the answer is that our people have been working for someone else’s dream for a long time. Communities seldom have a voice..."

->The coming world expo 2005 in Aichi,Japan is staging a beautifully conceptualized NGO pavillon - and I feel it is almost a must that our emerging networks strengthen their muscles to be present there, even if I have no idea how: the stage is all set.
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! changed: December 28, 2011