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Nitra Conference![]()
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I just arrived with Marco Fioretti at the SURAP (Sustainability of Rural Areas in Practise) conference in Nitra / Slovak republic. The conference is held in premises of the Agricultural University.
Dec 3, 20157:45
I have been up since 2 hours. The conference is conveniently hed in the same building where we are accomodated, so I make my first steps to registration. The Dorm even has a Facebook page:
9:13Opening by vice rector and
Dušan Chrenek, Head of Representation
The latter: We must change our patterns of growth etc. Change will place at the local level. Rural areas will be a key piece of the puzzle. Common Agricultural Policy: not just a mechanism to support farms, but wholistic strategy. Several Pillars. 2nd pillar "rural development" "Must work hand in hand with National Strategies and EU programs"
155.000 young farmers will receive support
Forest sector; also key sector in mitigating climate change
Magdaléna Lacko-Bartošová, State Secretary Talks about main goals of rural policy. Rural Poverty, Food securuty Each day 5 hectars of agricultural land are lost. 9:41
Peter Dupej, State Adviser General Programme for Economic and social development in regional strategy for rural development. EU - Goals
Importance of cities connected to rural areas. 9:58
Gary Fitt, OECD CRP Representative
10:07David Brown, Cornell University International Handbook of Rural Studies Social demographer - relationship between society and space. Narratives
we live in an urban world
50% of words population in 2011, now 51
Rural still matters
Rural communities are dynamic
"There is no grand narrative"
Icreased mobility and interdependies between ALL Places and Human nature
1. determinants and consequences of rural urban interdependence
Problem Focused Rural Studies
Janet Dwyer , Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI), UK After a turbulent 20th century we are returning to a global pattern of slowing growth "The devil is local" Increasing, volatile ford prices regional maps show different levels of climate change vulnerability Climate Hotspots Energy prospects Multifunctionality of rural areas must be increased Its not the best option to get bigger and specialize.
SOME "new" approaches seeing the connections at the local level Farmers Markets - local food, adding value Social Farming Euro-Land- Art Festival
Market is not a homogenous "demand" driver, but a heterogeneous ecosystem Community is crucial Policy Level: Real Innovation for Sustainability is needed - risk sharing is necessary - the complexity of innovation policy must be reduced and simplified - avoid audit-led development ! Local Level….we know that one …. HAVE FUN!
jdwyer(AT) 11:40
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, University of Wageningen, Netherlands
.... Good speech I am getting tired ....
12:40Francesco Di Iacovo, University of Pisa Social sustainability
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