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How To Contribute GlobalVillages - Global Villages Network - is a growing community that spans around the globe. Our main concern is to create a dynamic and positive feedback cycle between the potential of the local (ecology, nature, community, neighborhood, support) and the potential of the global (technology, information - knowledge - wisdom, automation, cooperation, Open Source). Once this positive feedback cycle is started, we think there is endless development and refinement in our living environment. So it calls for more energy and intelligence to solve new problems and answer more questions. 1. A good way to start is joining our mailing list: it is hosted by yahoogroups and serves as the main connection point between Global Villagers worldwide. Usually it is good to start here and become acquainted with the community. Even without being member you can browse the archives. You can easily subscribe to this list by entering your mail address and clicking the button below.
2. There is a social network on NING
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: April 10, 2009 |