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ERDE / Vienna Meeting !First E.R.D.E Meeting in Vienna25. 28. November 2003 Participants: DorisKiesling -BHW, MonikaErb -BHW, Profiles/FranzNahrada -G.I.V.E., ChristineHofbauer -DOST, BernhardHaas -DOST, KarinHuber -Coburg, JensMofina -City&Bits, WaclawIdziak -Gymnasium Malechowo, DariuszBartos -Gymnasium Malechowo, PiotrChylarecki -Gymnasium Malechowo, DavidWortley -Massmitec Tuesday, 25.11.03 Introduction11:00 Introduction I (Organisation, main tasks, role in the project, personel…) 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Introduction II 16: 00 Coffee
16:30 Schedule After a long discussion we decided to fix the first year with the expected participation of Hungary (HTA). 15. 17. March 2004 Germany, Coburg (Cultural Networking) Beginn of June 2004 Hungary, Budapest with Radio and Picture show
!!Re-Submission in February 2004 is necessary!!!! As well as to clear the situation in Slovinia.Report of the 1st year! The second year (starts 1st of August 2004) could look like that: Autum 2004 Workshop in Poland 1st of November 2004 Deadline 1st phase Grundtvig 1 project Spring 2005 Workshop in UK Summer 2005 more Worhshops if additional partners
Re: CCommunication Platform18:00 Presentation of the communication platform (intrex) by Jens Mofina, City&Bits Franz uses Apple and therefore he cannot use this platform. It is also not possible to generate mailingslists with this tool. We decide to use the yahoo mailinglist till City&Bits with Massmitec an G.I.V.E can find a tool for all our demands and for all interessted multipliers (ECOVAST, EUTA, CTSC,….). Wishlist: - mailinglist with archive function - instant messaging & chatting - open space online - cms for publication - instant collaboration - more synchronous (audio/video-confernce) - virtual classroom (voice, presentation, "real life flavour”…)
20:00 Heuriger in Jedlesee Wednesday, 26.11.03Content, Aims, Evaluation9:00 - 12:00 Work on contents, aims and evaluation
In our proposal we wrote that we have following aims:
What we want: AIMS: Create a common knowledge base (maybe even a European Academy) for community informatics Having a profession "Regional information coaching” specialised on practically introducing ways how local problems an be adressed by global knowledge RIC, RINC, RMCRIC is built on THREE pillars content How can local problems be adressed by global knowledge in a certain field? Energy and building .... Family life ..... Health & self care ..... Methodology How do I find an access the needed knowledge (resources)? Databases, online repositories..... Communities ..... Professional services ….. Universities, libraries ….. Sustainability How do I position mayself in the community? What are the needs of people? Questions related to RIC: - Who are the RICs? - Where are they staying? - What are they making their live from? We have found out that the RIC is not enough to meet all community needs, therefore we generate following Suggestion: 1) Regional community informatics (RIC) are there for the CONTENT Franz will lead this workgroup 2) Regional Innovation Coach are there for PROCESS Waclaw will lead this workgroup 3) Regional Media Coach are there for TOOLS
Questions related to the Innovation Coach (information about innovation) It is strongly needed to work first on the STRUCTURE then to make a PILOT PROJECT and with the feedback of the COMMUNITY we can improve the structure.
EXCURSION13:00 Lunch 14:00 Departure to Hollabrunn by bus 15:00 Hollabrunn Gym-Radio with Interview of David Wortley, Massmitec an looking for the new rooms of Gym-Radio in the former slottery (a large project with many other offices) 16:30 Departure to Retz
17:00 Retz: Presentation of Town hall with the major (some good wine and bread) 00:30 back at the hotel Thursday, 27.11.03WORKSHOPWorkshop with the Austrian Multipliers 08:00 Departure to St. Pölten by bus 10:00 Präsentation der Partner (à 15 min.) 14:30 Workshop (Franz) 16:30 Führung Landhaus 17:00 Abfahrt Wien bzw. Arbeitsmeeting "Bibliothek"
Fr, 28.11.03EXCURSIONsecond Excursion Day 08:30 Departure to Fischamend by bus 09:30 Mediathek Fischamend 11:00 Departure to Norbertinum Tullnerbach 12:00 Introduction to the project "Bioerlebnis Bauernhof” by DI Peter Schawerda 13:00 Mittagessen 14:00 Guided tour to the place with future project plans 15:00 Departure back to Vienna 16:30 Last get-together and feedback
Common ReflexionCONTENT + -
Examples (ICT) +
Doumentation is needed !!
Organisation of meeting, workshop, excursions, papers and handouts + <br>
Busses were too big -
Continued communication!!
Personal comments: "After visiting Fischamend I saw we con do the same thing immediately” (Piotr) "I will try to introduce GymRadio in Leicester” (David) DAVID: (insert picture here) NEXT STEPSWhishlist for the Workshop in Coburg - links from the city to the villages (culture!) - we organize a workshop for people from Berlin, they live close, about game didactics & circus did (Waclaw) SEE CoburgMeeting
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