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ERDE / Velenje Meeting Results Results of Velenje Meeting:1. Brainstorming about Critical points of ERDE - activities are very different, maybe this is the strength of ERDE, but has not been really considered enough - We need more personal contact and maybe less meetings - "Milestones" (more intensive organisation and structure" should be sought, responsibilities should be distributed. 2. Shall ERDE survive? Which means, shall it be transferred from a project to a network? The answer is a "yes" by all participants 3. What shall ERDE become in future Image: ERDE is like an umbrella for very different activities in rural education Under the umbrella we can find things like: - UTOPIAN VISIONS - NETWORK OF THEMATIC VILLAGES (iron, wood,crafts) - VILLAGE CLUSTERS (creative regions, like the one in Malechowo, to reach critical mass) - NETWORKS OF EDUCATORS - REGIONAL INFORMATION COACHING all these things must work by themselves. ERDE is there to simply - spread information - make meaningful connections - keep energy alive 4. Needs - Money - Structure - clearly defined purpose & goals - raise the activity of ALL members (no contradiction to the idea of a "core team" - create a core team with responsibilities
Looking to the Lithuanian Workshop:Central theme: "Country tourism, ediucation and rural development" Main Question: "How does tourism influence education?" - education of local people - education of tourists - education of teachers and professionals Other Questions: "What is the role of the Internet in rural tourism?" "What is the role of the identification of the characteristics of a location, in rural tourism and in rural development in general?" "Can Communication between villages help to improve skills and crafts?" "How can villages form clusters?"
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: April 26, 2006 |