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ERDE / RIC / Learning David Wortley has pointed us to the work of Malcolm Knowles. I think this work is truly helpful for us. His books include: Knowles, M. (1970). The modern practice of education: androgogy versus pedagogy. New York: Association Press. His theory of andragogy identifies characteristics of adult learning. Adults are self-directed and expect to take responsibility for decisions. He makes the following assumptions: 1. Adults need to know why they need to learn something 2. Adults need to learn experientially, 3. Adults approach learning as problem-solving, and 4. Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value. Lifelong Learning: A Dream is a vision that brings to mind Regional Information Coaching. There he lists skills, abilities for self-directed learning:
The New Horizons website has a good collection of links related to education issues. Their online book Creating the Future has twenty five perspectives on the future of education.
Creating Learning Communities is an online resource center by A Coalition for Self-Learning. They have published a book Creating Learning Communities.
An noteworthy self-teaching curriculum is the Robinson Self-Teaching Homeschool Curriculum put together by Dr.Robinson and his children.
Andrius: I want to think about the work of Sarunas Raudys on neural networks and consider how it relates to over learning and under learning.
A learning program designed by Project Zero at Harvard University involves four kinds of thinking:
Support for Lifelong Self-Learners Using the Internet Paul Brna, Paul Irvine and David Duncan Computer Based Learning Unit Leeds University Leeds, England Michalis Karamanis Hellenic Pedagogical Institute Athens, Greece
Some more links on self-learning, but not so interesting: List of paper on indenpendent study - but they are locked in a walled garden. Hutchings paper.pdf Pat Addison, Glen Hutchings. At the Crossroads: Self Directed Learning and the Revitalisation of Accounting Education Mok, M. M. C., & Cheng, Y. C. (2002). A theory of self-learning in a networked human and IT environment: Implications for education reforms. International Journal of Educational Management, 15(4), 172 – 186. Magdalena Mo Ching MOK, CHENG Yin Cheong, Phillip John MOORE. The development of measurement scales on self-learning of secondary students
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