Bezenye Vienna Meeting

Table of Contents
June 28 Monday   
June 29 Tuesday   
Wednesday June 30   
Feedback and Discussion   


This was our third meeting in the ERDE Learning Partnership.

It was partly organized by the HungarianTelecottageAssociation and the Telehouse of Bezenye in immediate neighbourhood of Vienna and Bratislawa.

Although Hungary was a "no-money" partner in Grundtvig, we could - with unusual efforts from several sides - successfully manage to maintain the goal of the learning partnership and not only keep our partnership alive, but win a lot of new perspectives and have very good results.

These results are mirrored in protocols in German language originally by Franz Nahrada but open for improvement to all team members. Four protocols cover the Telehouses of Alsomocsolad, Bezenye, Borcs and Kunsziget, one is about the presentation of the HungarianTelecottageAssociation itself.

It can be said we saw very different and special cases, maybe also main types of situations of Telecottages in the villages.

The rest of the meeting in Vienna before the excursion and after the excursion was mainly dedicated to the idea of targeting at a common project and product, the Regional Information Coaching. This also led to tangible results.

As always, the chronological table of contents:

June 28 Monday    

10:00 internal meeting in Vienna: situation and perspectives of the ERDE project

13:00 lunch, then departure for Hungary

17:00 - 18:00 Meeting in the Bezenye Telecottage with Ms. Tilda Körösi and Ms. Katalin Körösi - telecottage managers Address: 9223 Bezenye, Szabadság u. 52/a.

19:00 dinner

June 29 Tuesday    

09:00 - 09:30 Introduction of participants, presentation about ERDE

09:30 - 11:00 Presentation of Ms. Tilda Korosi, Bezenye Telecottage

11:15 - 12:30 Presentation of Ms. Eszter Varga, Borcs Telecottage

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 Presentation of Ms. Andrea Vass, Alsomocsolad Telecottage

15:00 - 15:15 short presentation of ERDE

15:30 - 16:15 Presentation of Mr. Norbert Babics, Kunsziget Telecottage

16:15 - 17:15 Presentation of Mr. Zsolt Molnár, Hungarian Telecottage Association


(Franz Nahrada, Andrius Kulikauskas and Franz Steinwender stay to have Dinner with Tilda Körösi and Katalin Körösi)

Wednesday June 30    

Vienna Karolinenhof

10:00 - 13:00 Meeting with Austrian Multipliers about regional Information coaching Part 1 Brainstorming

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Austrian Multipliers about regional Information coaching Part 2 Agreements

16:00 - 18:00 Editorial Meeting of the project Board: starting of writing up the intermediate Report for year 1 of the learning partnership.

Feedback and Discussion    

Please add your thoughts here!

BernhardHaas: In my opinion this was a very good meeting, which gave me again much emphasis to work on our common vision. The idea of RIC as final product seemed convincing to some others and I think there are good chances to find enough partners to cooperate with!

Several persons promised to continue working on different working packages and I hope, the work will be done (also for me too.)

I'm already very interested in our common website, made by Andrius.

Photos of this meeting: Ungarn Access For the Disabled.JPG Ungarn Creative processes at Work.JPG

Ungarn Inside the Szentpeterszeg T.JPG Ungarn Presidents of EUTA Members.jpg Ungarn Telecottage Publications.JPG Ungarn Telecottage Map.JPG Ungarn The First Telecottage in Cs.JPG

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