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Activities See also: Principles, Definition, GlobalVillageIndex AndriusKulikauskas April 6, 2009 20:41 CET I think that we might best understand and define a pattern of GlobalVillages in terms of the recurring activities of global villagers. This will also help us create a GlobalVillageIndex. Recurring ActivitiesBeing alone is key to GlobalVillage life - it is the reason that the village is ultimately preferable to the city - and it includes being-alone-in-parallel. Walking - Global villagers walk a lot! Video bridging Eating meals together Raising children Caring for the elderly, the sick Including the disabled Healing Learning Helping others learn Being quiet, perhaps praying or meditating Singing Dancing Creating art Sharing art Doing chores Working in the garden Cleaning Inventing Maintaining Enjoying nature Traveling Hosting visitors Visiting friends and neighbors Cooking Sharing knowledge with people from around the world Building relationships online with the hard to reach DiscussionMaybe we could rank the activities above?
All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! | changed: April 7, 2009 |